
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C. Clarke

Sandvox Ramblings

When Karelia released Sandvox a little over a year ago I was quite excited at some of the capabilities it had. The simplicity of the program, the ease of tweaking designs and styles, and the highly extensible plugin API all were very appealing. Unfortunately it has some flaws, but I am hopeful those are or will be addressed as time goes on. Also, some of the flaws can be corrected via plugins.

Bugs and Flaws

Like all software, Sandvox has some bugs and design flaws. Thankfully there aren't too many, but then again I wouldn't be using it if there were. Even with the bugs it is still the best and easiest website design software I have used (including Dream Weaver, Freeway, Freeway Express, iWeb, and RapidWeaver).

June 30, 2007 06:41:10

Proposed Enhancements

This may seem like a long list of features I'm asking for, but these features would allow for much more rich site designs, as well as greater extensibility by the user community.

June 30, 2007 06:43:34

Navigation Plugins

These plugins were used to create the bread crumb trail at the top of my site. In addition there is a Site Navigation Menu pagelet which allows for a site menu like you would find in RapidWeaver or on a Drupal site. It would be better integrated into some site designs, but that requires editing KTPageTemplate.html to do it.

June 29, 2007 20:05:33

Navigation Plugins Source

The source to the Navigation Plugins. Feel free to use, distribute, modify, or do pretty much anything else you want with them. My only request would be if you do incorporate any part of it into a product (maybe Sandvox?) please let me know.

June 30, 2007 06:38:07

© 2007 Chris Giard and Anne-Marie Pleau