
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C. Clarke


Stacey, Sara and myself on the Paragon.  Towards the end of the trip, they stop in the Pacific and let you go swimming.  How many people have the opportunity to swim in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? I almost didn't do it because I was already soaking wet, but I realized it's not a common thing to experience.  The water was a little chilly, but not so bad.  The most extraordinary thing was how blue the water was – it was sapphire and completely clear.  If you looked down at your legs under water, you could see them clearly, but nothing but sapphire blue around them.  It was pretty incredible.  Chris enjoyed doing a dive off the side of the boat into the ocean. I took the easy way – down a ladder.

© 2007 Chris Giard and Anne-Marie Pleau