Did my first and second ASP jumps today. On ASP 1, I had 2 problems. First, I didn't keep my legs in the right position. Each time the instructor told me to fix it, I did it properly, but I would constantly forget to put them back in the right place. Second, on landing, when the instructor said flare over the radio, I apparently did it too hard. It stopped my forward motion completely and popped me up another 10 feet or so (so 25 feet off the ground). I basically ended up failing out of the sky at this point. Really managed to tweak my knee and (somehow) my calf.
On the second jump, I did much better. I still had some problems with my legs, but much better. I also managed to not injure myself on landing this time. Basically, I went with a much slower flare, and didn't go as far either. I ended up skidding to a stop on my rear, but the landing was very soft so it wasn't bad. Much better than the first one, but still no grace to be found.
AM also got back from her friends shower today. She didn't get to see her friend that much, but did get to hang out a bit with her sisters. Sounds like it was a good time. Coincidentally enough, her leg also was injured from something (including a bruise), but it was her left leg instead of her right. I told her it looked like the 2 of us had gotten into an accident while doing a 3 legged race.