
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C. Clarke

The Eagle Has Landed

    I did 2 more sky dives today.  Both of them were ASP 3, as I lost control on the first jump and started to wobble all over the place.  I really need to work on maintaining a proper back arch and leg position.  Probably should just put that into my workout routine.  Under canopy I did pretty well, and actually landed on the field this time (of course, I was being directed by the instructor the entire time).  Unfortunately, I flared the landing too early, so I had a rather hard impact.  The second jump went much better.  I passed level 3, though I'm not really that confident about control during freefall yet.  Hopefully their wind tunnel will open soon so I can practice a bit more.  As a bonus, the landing was an absolutely perfect, on my feet landing.  First one so far.  Now I just need to combine that will landing on the field.

    AM was really nervious while I was gone.  Since I did 2 jumps, and I didn't get on the first plane, I was later than the last time.  She ended up leaving me 2 messages on my cell phone.

© 2007 Chris Giard and Anne-Marie Pleau